Sunday, June 7, 2015

Why I Chose Germany

I never thought in a million years that I would be making a blog, but here I am and I kind of like it.  But to answer the question of why I chose to travel abroad to Germany is an easy one.  Like many others that are going on this trip, I have never been out of the United States.  I chose to travel to Germany because I want to experience another culture other than the one I have been surrounded by for the past 21 years.  This trip is going to give me the opportunity to see life from another perspective and find out what people in other countries eat, drink, how they interact with each other, and what they like to do for fun.  Before I decided that I wanted to travel abroad, my mom showed me a picture from Facebook or one of the social media sites and it was a quote that said "if you're 22, physically fit, and hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel."  After seeing this picture, I realized that North Central is giving me an opportunity that I may never get again.  As Dr. Wolf said at the first meeting that we had, we most likely will never be in a different country for as long as 3 weeks again.
Picture my beautiful mother showed me that got me thinking about studying abroad
Now, there are many different countries that I could have chosen to travel to instead of Germany.  However, I decided to go to Germany because of the history of the country.  I love history, and learning about things that happened in the past.  Germany has a very rich, and interesting history that I would love to explore.  From the Castles to the Cathedrals to the events of World War II such as the Holocaust, and concentration camps, to Martin Luther and his 95 Thesis.  I want to explore it all, and this trip is perfect for doing just that.
A Picture of Martin Luther who wrote the 95 thesis, and began a religious reformation in 1517.
While I'm in Germany I plan on learning a lot about the culture, and how the German people live.  There are going to be obvious differences between the lifestyle in Germany and the one that I'm accustomed to in the United States, which I'm looking forward to.  I want to be able to come home with a better understanding of how other people live, what is different about them, and what is the same in relation to the people in the US.  I am looking forward to talking with the people, and picking up a little bit of German in the process (because as of right now I don't speak any German at all).  I am extremely excited that I picked this trip over all of the others, and I can't wait to leave.  We have a good group of people going, and I can't wait to get to know all of them a lot better and make some new friends. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Word Count: 512

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